File IJJ-R: Procedures for Instructional Materials and Methods Selection

Meeting the needs of the School District and individual schools, based on knowledge of the curriculum and the existing collections of instructional and library/media materials, shall be the highest priority. Basic learning materials, i.e., those that are the predominant instructional materials used by most members of the class, are used for a significant portion of the course or receive major emphasis during a course, or are essential to student achievement of Maine’s system of standards for student learning are to take priority in the selection process. Instructional methods that support the implementation of curriculum or measurement of student success in vertical alignment will also take priority for selection.

Roles and Responsibilities

After a completed selection process and report by the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent, and an opportunity for the Board’s Curriculum Committee to provide input, the Board may adopt new instructional materials and methods.

Prior to a report to the full Board, the Board’s Curriculum Committee shall review and provide input on the Superintendent’s/Assistant Superintendent’s recommendations and reports based on the completion of a selection process.

The Assistant Superintendent is responsible for the oversight of the selection process including establishing selection teams, reviewing and approving proposals from the teams, reporting to the Board’s Curriculum Committee and full Board, and developing a communications plan to support the selection process.

Instructional Materials/Methods Selection Teams

In order to have a variety of stakeholders included in the selection process, representative teams shall be formed. These teams may vary in composition based on the materials or methods to be selected, but in general would include:
  • Minimum of two educators each from grade span involved (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12)
  • Minimum of one administrator each from grade span involved
  • Minimum of one representative each from special education, adult education, and English Learners support, when appropriate
  • Minimum of one district administrator
  • Students, parents, Board members, and community members with selection-specific expertise, when appropriate, and at the discretion of the Assistant Superintendent

The selection team shall use the criteria for selection as outlined in policy IJJ – Instructional and Library-Media Materials and Methods Selection. As part of the selection process, the selection team should use a variety of data including recent program evaluation reports (see policy IL – Evaluation of Instructional Programs), student demographics, and research on best practices. When appropriate, the team should evaluate the existing collection, as well as consult reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection aids and implementation recommendations.

The purchase of non-print materials and multimedia, Internet and technology resources shall be made only after consultation with the Technology Department, to verify system compatibility.


Once a selection team has completed its work, it shall prepare a report and present it to the Superintendent. The report, which will ultimately include a recommendation for selection, shall describe how the selection process addressed the criteria outlined in policy IJJ – Instructional and Library-Media Materials and Methods Selection. The Superintendent may request further information from the team and/or conduct his/her own research if deemed necessary. The Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent shall then present the report to the Board’s Curriculum Committee.

Once the Board’s Curriculum Committee has reviewed the report and provided input, the Committee shall request that the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent make a presentation to the full Board.

BOARD REVIEW: April 25, 2013
                            May 9, 2013

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