File IGDB: Acceptable Use Policy MSAD 75 Network



LINK75 is the electronic network connecting the schools and administrative offices of the District.  As such, it will be a "place" in which students, parents, teachers, and community members will pursue learning with the same set of standards for behavior and intellectual effort that defines the traditional school roles.  This policy is included in the student handbooks for all schools within the District and applies to students, staff, administrators and any user of LINK75.

Educational Purposes:

The primary purpose of the LINK75 network is educational.  Users are responsible for ensuring that their activities adhere to generally accepted educational standards.  It is never to be used for commercial purposes.


M.S.A.D. No. 75 has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to "harmful matter" and to materials that do not support approved educational objectives.  However, on a public network, it is impossible to control all materials.  While the list of "blocked" sites is updated continually via subscription, it is nearly impossible to list all inappropriate sites.

The teacher/staff will choose resources on the Internet that are appropriate for classroom instruction and/or research for the needs, maturity and ability of their students.  M.S.A.D. No. 75 takes no responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information from Internet sources.  Use of any information obtained through the Internet is at the user's risk.

Acceptable Use:

The purpose of the schools having access to LINK75 and the Internet is to support research and education in and among the staff and students of M.S.A.D. No. 75.  The use of LINK75 must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of M.S.A.D. No. 75.


The use of the LINK75 network is a privilege and not a right.  Inappropriate use will result in restriction or cancellation of access privileges.  Commonly accepted guidelines for developmentally appropriate skills will be used in determining access levels.  The administration, teacher, and/or staff may request the systems administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access.

Prohibited Use:

Transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, the distribution of:

• any information that violates or infringes upon the rights of any other person
•  any defamatory, inappropriate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material
• advertisements, solicitations, commercial ventures, or political lobbying
• any information that encourages the use of controlled substances or the use of the system for the purpose of inciting crime
• any material that violates copyright laws, consistent with established M.S.A.D. No. 75 Copyright Policy

The LINK75 network will be maintained and managed by the system administrator(s) in such a way as to insure its availability and reliability in performing its educational mission.  This will require the ability and authority to inspect any and all materials transferred by, or stored within the network by any and all users.  Because of this, users will have no reasonable expectation of privacy, with respect to access by the system administrators or their designee, to any materials transferred by or stored within the LINK75 network.  This inspection can occur at any time and without any cause.

While it is not the intention of the system administrator(s) to use this access in an intrusive manner, it is critical that the authority for such access be reserved in order to prevent any abuse of the LINK75 network and to allow the network to recover from disaster.


Responsible use of the LINK75 network requires that users not:

•  interfere with the normal and proper operation of this network or the Internet
•  adversely affect the ability of others to use LINK75 equipment or services
•  conduct themselves in ways that are harmful or deliberately offensive to others

All users shall assume full liability, legal, financial or otherwise, for their actions.

General Rules:

Be polite.  Do not send abusive messages to anyone.
Use appropriate language.  In all messages, do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.  Anything pertaining to illegal activities is strictly forbidden.  Electronic communication is not private, and is periodically inspected for offending language and behaviors.  
If you receive messages that are mean or make you uncomfortable in any way, do not respond to them.  Print them and report them to your system administrator immediately.  Messages relating to, or in support of, illegal activities must be reported to appropriate authorities.
Respect others' electronic privacy.  Users of LINK75 should respect the rights of others who are also using the system.  Do not reveal the personal address or phone numbers of yourself or other persons.  Before publishing a student's picture, first name, or work on the Internet, the school must have on file a parent release authorizing publication.
Respect others' electronic property.  All communications and information accessible via LINK75 should be assumed to be the property of the author and should not be reused without his/her permission.
Do not disrupt the network.  Do not use the network in a way that would disrupt the use of the network by others.
Only use your name.  The LINK75 network does not allow for the creation of false identities.
You are responsible for your password security.  Your password should be treated like your toothbrush - change it regularly and do not share it with others.  Electronic communications addressed with your name are your responsibility.  System logs record the addition, modification and deletion of all files by user ID.  Guard yours carefully.
Information security - Carefully guard information about students.  Do not post or share confidential information about students or staff.  Do not transfer confidential student information beyond the LINK75 network.  We have no way of ensuring its security.  Staff users are entrusted with, and responsible for the safeguarding of confidential information such as IEPs, evaluations and assessments.
E-mail conferences - Always be aware that we have external conferences that are read locally, nationally, and globally.

Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges.  Any vandalism, unauthorized access, "hacking" or tampering with hardware or software, including introducing "viruses" or pirated software is strictly prohibited.

FIRST READING:               February 7, 2002
SECOND READING:          March 14, 2002
ADOPTION:                         March 14, 2002

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