File JGAB: Assignment of Students to Classes: Transfer Students and Home School Students






The principal of the school in which a transfer or formerly home-school student is enrolling will be responsible for assigning the incoming student to a class or grade.

The principal shall be responsible for assessing the student’s prior educational experience in determining the progress made toward meeting the content standards of the Maine Learning Results.  In assessing the student’s progress, the principal may consider performance on standardized tests, academic records, portfolios, projects, writing samples, performances, and other demonstrations of achievement.  The school unit may require an incoming student to participate in tests or other assessments to aid in this determination.  For incoming high school students, tests or assessments may be required to determine whether a student has met course prerequisites or credit requirements for graduation. In addition, such tests and assessments may be used to determine when instructional intervention may be appropriate.


The principal/designee should meet with the student’s parents and, as appropriate, with the guidance counselor, special services director, and/other professional staff before making a class/grade assignment decision.


A parent/guardian or eligible student who is dissatisfied with the principal’s class/grade decision or with the principal’s assessment of the student’s prior educational experience may appeal to the Superintendent whose decision shall be final.


Legal Reference:                    20-A MRSA §5021(1-2)

                                                Ch. 127 §§ 5.03, 6.02, 7.02 (A)(5) (Me. Dept. of Ed. Rules)


FIRST READING:               May 13, 2021


SECOND READING:          May 27, 2021


ADOPTION:                         May 27, 2021



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